Sep 23, 2018

Hot and Spicy Garlic Shrimp

"The spice makes the dish" – that's the motto of Sichuan cuisine. This dish uses 3 different kinds of spice: Doubanjiang, chile oil, and cayenne pepper. Adjust the amount to suit your taste.

About Pre-seasoning: Chinese cuisine often calls for meat and seafood to be seasoned before cooking. Not only does this allow the seasonings to be absorbed well, it also serves to make meat soft and tender. Add seasonings and massage in well. Make sure they are well absorbed. Always use your hands, and take care to massage gently and thoroughly.


Mixture A:

1 Tbsp Doubanjiang (Chinese chili paste) 1 Tbsp chili oil 1 tsp cayenne pepper

Mixture B:

1 Tbsp sake 1 tsp sugar Dash each salt and pepper

Rice vinegar


1. Split open unshelled shrimp along the back and devein. Coat the back with starch.

2. Blanch rapini in boiling water briefly, coat in starch and deep-fry. Dice tomato and mince bunching onion.

3. Heat oil in a wok and add shrimp. Don't overlap. Stir-fry until crispy and remove from wok. Add diced tomato to wok and sauté. Add garlic and ginger and sauté slowly. Add mixture A and continue sautéing.

4. Add shrimp, soup stock and mixture B ingredients and simmer. Add bunching onion and continue simmering until water evaporates and sauce thickens. Add fried rapini and finish with vinegar.

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